Attending this event?
TPRC 2024 in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada! June 25-27th.
Fun [clear filter]
Monday, June 24

10:00am PDT

avatar for Bruce Gray

Bruce Gray

Consultant, Gray & Associates
* I eat, sleep, live, and breathe Perl!* Consultant and Contract Programmer.* Frequent PerlMongers speaker.* Dedicated Shakespeare theater-goer.* Armchair Mathematician.* Author of Blue_Tiger, a tool for modernizing Perl.* 38 years coding, 24 years Perl, 19 years Married, 17 YAPC&TPC... Read More →

Monday June 24, 2024 10:00am - 5:00pm PDT
Tuesday, June 25

9:30am PDT

avatar for Peter Krawczyk

Peter Krawczyk

Treasurer, The Perl Foundation

Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Keynote - Party like it’s 19100 - 1
avatar for Curtis Poe

Curtis Poe

CTO, All Around the World

Tuesday June 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

11:00am PDT

Lightning Talks Day 1
avatar for rGeoffrey Avery

rGeoffrey Avery

Programmer, Perceptyx

Tuesday June 25, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm PDT

1:30pm PDT

Solving Logic Puzzles by Regexp
More Regular Expression Voodoo.In the previous conferences, we looked at solving Sudokus and
the N-Queens problem with regular expressions.

In this talk, we take what we have learned the past years, and
apply our learnings to solve different puzzles.

Star Battles, Binaries and Suguru will be among the puzzles we'll
be solving using regular expressions.Audience: All["Perl", "Fun", "Regular Expressions"]


Tuesday June 25, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm PDT
Track 2

2:30pm PDT

Casino Gaming for the Mathematically Inclined
All games are not created equal. In some games the house edge should rightly keep you from even trying. But which games come close to a level playing field? If you are going to play, at least have a fighting chance.An overview of casino gaming.

Learn how to play several casino games.
Learn how to play smartly to avoid some really bad math.
What kind of house advantage is built in against you?
How much "homework" must you do to get ready?
Which games are entirely luck, and where can you maybe gain an edge?Audience: All["Fun"]

avatar for rGeoffrey Avery

rGeoffrey Avery

Programmer, Perceptyx

Tuesday June 25, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm PDT
Track 2

4:30pm PDT

Turning humans into developers in a post Covid world
I'll be talking about hiring, training, mentoring and growing people to become (Perl) developers in an environment that's remote first, or hybrid. This talk is aimed at anyone who makes hiring decisions, leads or manages developer teams, or who mentors people at work or in an open source setting.It's been exceedingly difficult for many businesses to recruit new Perl developers. We all know this. It's getting harder. People retire or move on to different languages as the market evolves. But lots of businesses still luckily rely on Perl, and there is an appetite for more developers. Sadly, not many new ones are organically popping up. So we need to help.

In this talk, I will condense what I've learned in my 15+ years of experience hiring, training and retaining junior Perl developers. The market and the work environment has changed, and we're mostly all working remote now. This brings unique challenges and opportunities for hiring, training and mentoring, as well as working as a developer or a manager of developers in general.

We're going to look at how to attract, screen, interview and hire talented, motivated young people, how to get them interested in Perl, and how to mentor and train them up to be not just junior developers, but ultimately strong, independent thinkers and valuable contributors to your team, and sometimes the Perl community as well.

While my experience is based on the German and UK market, there are a lot of strengths in both education systems that can be utilised in the US market as well. Audience: All["Perl", "Community", "Beginner Talk"]


Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm PDT
Track 2
Wednesday, June 26

11:30am PDT

Koha Open Source Ambassadors Initiative and it's benefit for Perl
Most of us, Perl Community people, are sensitive to helping Perl to expand, be used more, and improve. We have an easy opportunity for the community to do now big help for Perl by helping for more presence of Perl around us by making more Kohas around. I'll tell how and why.Koha is a capable, free, and open-source library management system that is in active development and is on a rising trend. So many libraries are happy switching to it nowadays.

What help do we need from a Koha Ambassador?
- No need to learn anything complicated
- Find your nearby school, university, or public library
- Help them and advocate for the transition to Koha
- Provide guidance and support during the migration process or intercommunicate transition process with us (me and other people will be around)
- if you wish, you can contribute to developing open-source code.

We (me and my people) will help you learn about Koha, transitions, and what to say to end users. Your step is to convince libraries to switch, and we will do that together.

You will help Perl expand and exist, but you might also have one customer nearby who needs consultancy (or you can toss them for me/us, or I can support them together with you).

I will provide details, the site, and the point of connection, and later, I will provide training on advocating Koha usage and developer/sysadmin hints.Audience: All["Perl", "Koha", "Community", "Expansion", "Open Source"]

Wednesday June 26, 2024 11:30am - 11:50am PDT
Track 2

3:30pm PDT

Keynote Day 2 - The Once And Future Perl
Retroemotions, statistical outliers, lunar excursions, climatology, Lorentz contraction, extrasolar planets, atomic clocks, lucky bullets, Greek mythology, political commentary, true crime, artificial intelligence, time travel, neofuturism, The Prince, British SF of the 1970s, dwimmery, poetry, Pride and Prejudice and Profit, English grammar, Perlish syntax, cleverness, satire, a better Turing test, keywords, really smart comments, getting what you mean by saying what you want, marionette etiquette roulette, welcoming our new robot overlords, object orientation, multiple dispatch, type systems, constraint programming, declarative programming, family trees, ancient puzzles, academic literature, linguistic theft, misplacing operators, deconstructing philosophy, the seven laws of “Best”, the ABC of choice, closures and continuations, inception, conception, deception, exceptions, the Code of Cthulhu, sorting topologically, the world’s most redundant goto, rocks vs flying saucers, better living through permutation, the feature lifecycle, retroexperimentation, fjords, the Pareto Principle, sufficiently hard values of “easy”, resurrecting the future, rewriting the past, nominative debugging, casinos foresight vs hindsight, green lights vs red flags, the 46 rules of bad behaviour, the gentle art of novemdecimation, code recycling, the write-right rite-wright, type compatibility, adding value to hash comparisons, the virtues of asymmetry, the slightly less gentle art of septendecimvicesimation, keeping it quantum, implicit disjunctions, explicit conjunctions, complicit injunctions, illicit abjunctions, Kernighan’s corollary, getting what you want by saying what you mean, reimagining the past, reinterpreting the present, reinventing the future.

In other words, it’s just your typical Conway keynote.

You’ll laugh. You’ll weep. You’ll be grateful he’s actually 8000 miles away.


Wednesday June 26, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm PDT
Thursday, June 27

9:30am PDT

QA concerns in a open source community: how to save the most cows
A discussion of some do's and don'ts while trying to balance community building and code quality in a distributed open source product using the MoSCoW prioritization technique as a framework for QA.When performing QA on code submissions in an open source project, you may be interacting with new members to the community, and people you have never met. While maintaining the guidelines of the community and ensuring code quality are top concerns, a nod must be given to building and uplifting the community, even when failing QA. The MoSCoW method for prioritization, often used in project planning, provides a good framework for giving the necessary feedback, making clear what is required, and giving space for opinion.Audience: All["perl", "QA", "Koha", "Community"]

avatar for Nick Clemens

Nick Clemens

Head of development, ByWater Solutions
I live in Vermont with 2 cats, 1 small human, and 1 big human. I am in a science fiction book club. I like running and music.

Thursday June 27, 2024 9:30am - 9:50am PDT
Track 3

10:30am PDT

Build a better README
Your project's README stinks. Let's make it better, together!Your project's README on Github is your project's landing page, your one chance to land a solid first impression with a new user. So why are so many READMEs so boring? With minimal effort, you can make a lasting impression that win over users who might otherwise move on to another project instead.

Jason Crome will show you some techniques for making an eye-popping README for your project, using Request Tracker, Dancer, and other popular projects as models for what can be done. By the end of this short talk, you'll be able to take your project's README to the next level and set yourself apart from other open source projects.Audience: All["Perl", "Raku", "Open Source", "Community"]

avatar for Jason A. Crome

Jason A. Crome

Senior Software Engineer, Best Practical Solutions
Jason Crome is a 25+ year veteran of the software industry, working on everything from local government software in Powerbuilder and SQL Server to custom ERP development in Perl and PostgreSQL. He is the founder of Charlotte.pm, a member of Chicago.pm and MadMongers, and is part of... Read More →

Thursday June 27, 2024 10:30am - 10:50am PDT
Track 3

11:00am PDT

Native deps a pain? WebAssembly can help!
Want to extend Perl with libraries written in other languages? Interested in adding a secure plugin system to your Perl app? Want to stay away from building and linking native extensions? This talk will cover extending Perl with Extism, a lightweight framework for building with WebAssembly.Traditionally, Perl is extended with libraries written in other languages using the C ABI and linking via an XS extension or FFI. Building and linking a native library or extension into Perl can be error prone and even introduce memory safety issues into a Perl program. Building to WebAssembly (Wasm) enables running code from a multitude of programming languages without building, running, and linking them as native code. How can we easily integrate running Wasm with Perl to allow extending Perl without perils of linking native code?

In this talk, I’ll start by providing basic background information on extending Perl and discussing why you might want to use Wasm instead of linking native extensions. Then, I’ll contrast the development workflow using Wasm both directly and with the [Extism](https://extism.org/) framework. Finally, I’ll showcase how Extism can be used to implement a sandboxed plugin system in your Perl app that supports a multitude of programming languages.Audience: All["Perl", "Open Source", "Native"]

avatar for Gavin Hayes

Gavin Hayes

Senior Software Engineer, Dylibso
Gavin is a software engineer that loves diving into projects and making improvements across a variety of domains. When he's not dereferencing NULL pointers, he likes to charge down steep slopes and ride park laps on his snowboard.

Thursday June 27, 2024 11:00am - 11:20am PDT
Track 3

11:30am PDT

Meet the TPRF Board!
avatar for Makoto Nozaki

Makoto Nozaki

Board Member and Secretary, The Perl Foundation (aka The Perl and Raku Foundation, Yet Another Society)
avatar for Ruth Holloway

Ruth Holloway

Developer/Project Lead, Clearbuilt
Ruth has been writing Perl for 23 years, and attending Perl conferences for the last ten years, speaking at all but one of the in-person conferences. She is a big fan of DBIx::Class, Dancer2, and Agile programming without all the ceremonies. Ruth is a wife, writer, cook, full-time... Read More →
avatar for Todd Rinaldo

Todd Rinaldo

Perl Developer, cPanel
Todd works at cPanel L.L.C. as a Perl Developer and sometimes B::C / p5p hacker. He lives with his wife and son in Houston, TX. Todd is a CPAN maintainer.
avatar for Bruce Gray

Bruce Gray

Consultant, Gray & Associates
* I eat, sleep, live, and breathe Perl!* Consultant and Contract Programmer.* Frequent PerlMongers speaker.* Dedicated Shakespeare theater-goer.* Armchair Mathematician.* Author of Blue_Tiger, a tool for modernizing Perl.* 38 years coding, 24 years Perl, 19 years Married, 17 YAPC&TPC... Read More →
avatar for Peter Krawczyk

Peter Krawczyk

Treasurer, The Perl Foundation

Thursday June 27, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Track 1

1:30pm PDT

Beginning Algorithmic Music with Perl
How do you create music with perl, from scratch? Drop-in to find out how, with details, examples, and audio too, of course! This will be a short presentation, given the wide scope of the topic. I will cover the basic concepts of algorithmic music, introduce available CPAN modules, show how to use a few, including when and why to use them. Audience: All["Perl", "Algorithmic", "MIDI", "Music", "Beginner Talk"]

avatar for Gene Boggs

Gene Boggs

Geek, Veritone
{ "bio": "Epistemologist-at-large", "email": "gene.boggs@gmail.com", "cpan": "https://metacpan.org/author/GENE", "music": "https://songwhip.com/geneboggs", "slides": { "beginning": "TBD", "advanced": "TBD" } }

Thursday June 27, 2024 1:30pm - 1:50pm PDT
Track 3

2:00pm PDT

Advanced Algorithmic Music with Perl
Phrasing and voicing techniques with example algorithms and audio! Also: How to interactivly respond to events with MIDI!
This presentation will introduce fundamental phrasing and voicing techniques, and "real time MIDI" too. Which modules to use will be discussed, of course.
Audience: Intermediate ["Perl", "Open Source", "Fun", "Music", "Intermediate", "MIDI"]

avatar for Gene Boggs

Gene Boggs

Geek, Veritone
{ "bio": "Epistemologist-at-large", "email": "gene.boggs@gmail.com", "cpan": "https://metacpan.org/author/GENE", "music": "https://songwhip.com/geneboggs", "slides": { "beginning": "TBD", "advanced": "TBD" } }

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm PDT
Track 3

2:30pm PDT

The State of the Onion AI
Did you know that Perl has 5 new AI projects?

- OpenAI ChatGPT
- TensorFlow Neural Networks
- Cowl Ontologies
- PerlGPT Large Language Models
- ChatGPU Navi™ AI

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the future of Perl... don't miss it! Future-proof your career with Perl AI.In this talk, we'll review the current status of all major AI projects in Perl.

We will also attempt to answer a number of frequently asked questions, such as:

- Do I have to pay to use ChatGPT in Perl?
- What is a neural network?
- What is an ontology?
- Can AI write Perl source code?
- Can we create strong AI in Perl?

Artificial intelligence is the way of the future, and is Perl's big chance to make a comeback.

Let's make the most of this AI opportunity to join together and put Perl back on top!Audience: All["perl", "ai", "artificialintelligence", "aiperlcommittee", "ml", "machinelearning", "fun", "community", "future", "Perl", "Open Source", "Fun", "Community"]

avatar for William N. Braswell Jr.

William N. Braswell Jr.

President & CEO, Auto-Parallel Technologies, Inc. & ChatGPU.ai
Creator of RPerl & CloudForFree & Perl Town Hall, Co-Creator of the Perl Community Roadmap.Scouter, Juggler, Mormon, Perl Monger, Serial Entrepreneur, Volunteer, Aspiring Astrophysicist, Community Organizer, Family Man.

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm PDT
Track 3

3:30pm PDT

Learning and Practicing Perl and Raku on exercism.org
exercism.org is an online open-source platform for people to complete syllabuses, exercises, and receive mentoring in a variety of different programming languages. In my talk I will describe the development of the Perl and Raku tracks and how I hope to encourage more people to learn these languages.This talk will go in detail about how Perl and Raku have been integrated on exercism.org. I will describe how exercises have been implemented for our languages, how the in-browser editor runs Perl and Raku tests, the current state of the work-in-progress syllabuses for these languages, and how I try to gently introduce people coming from other programming languages into Perl and Raku.Audience: Beginner["Raku", "Perl", "Open Source", "Fun", "Polyglot", "Community"]


Thursday June 27, 2024 3:30pm - 3:50pm PDT
Track 3

4:30pm PDT

Lightning Talks Day 3
avatar for rGeoffrey Avery

rGeoffrey Avery

Programmer, Perceptyx

Thursday June 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm PDT
Friday, June 28

9:00am PDT

avatar for Bruce Gray

Bruce Gray

Consultant, Gray & Associates
* I eat, sleep, live, and breathe Perl!* Consultant and Contract Programmer.* Frequent PerlMongers speaker.* Dedicated Shakespeare theater-goer.* Armchair Mathematician.* Author of Blue_Tiger, a tool for modernizing Perl.* 38 years coding, 24 years Perl, 19 years Married, 17 YAPC&TPC... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm PDT
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