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TPRC 2024 in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada! June 25-27th.
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Tuesday, June 25

4:30pm PDT

Turning humans into developers in a post Covid world
I'll be talking about hiring, training, mentoring and growing people to become (Perl) developers in an environment that's remote first, or hybrid. This talk is aimed at anyone who makes hiring decisions, leads or manages developer teams, or who mentors people at work or in an open source setting.It's been exceedingly difficult for many businesses to recruit new Perl developers. We all know this. It's getting harder. People retire or move on to different languages as the market evolves. But lots of businesses still luckily rely on Perl, and there is an appetite for more developers. Sadly, not many new ones are organically popping up. So we need to help.

In this talk, I will condense what I've learned in my 15+ years of experience hiring, training and retaining junior Perl developers. The market and the work environment has changed, and we're mostly all working remote now. This brings unique challenges and opportunities for hiring, training and mentoring, as well as working as a developer or a manager of developers in general.

We're going to look at how to attract, screen, interview and hire talented, motivated young people, how to get them interested in Perl, and how to mentor and train them up to be not just junior developers, but ultimately strong, independent thinkers and valuable contributors to your team, and sometimes the Perl community as well.

While my experience is based on the German and UK market, there are a lot of strengths in both education systems that can be utilised in the US market as well. Audience: All["Perl", "Community", "Beginner Talk"]


Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm PDT
Track 2
Thursday, June 27

2:30pm PDT

The State of the Onion AI
Did you know that Perl has 5 new AI projects?

- OpenAI ChatGPT
- TensorFlow Neural Networks
- Cowl Ontologies
- PerlGPT Large Language Models
- ChatGPU Navi™ AI

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the future of Perl... don't miss it! Future-proof your career with Perl AI.In this talk, we'll review the current status of all major AI projects in Perl.

We will also attempt to answer a number of frequently asked questions, such as:

- Do I have to pay to use ChatGPT in Perl?
- What is a neural network?
- What is an ontology?
- Can AI write Perl source code?
- Can we create strong AI in Perl?

Artificial intelligence is the way of the future, and is Perl's big chance to make a comeback.

Let's make the most of this AI opportunity to join together and put Perl back on top!Audience: All["perl", "ai", "artificialintelligence", "aiperlcommittee", "ml", "machinelearning", "fun", "community", "future", "Perl", "Open Source", "Fun", "Community"]

avatar for William N. Braswell Jr.

William N. Braswell Jr.

President & CEO, Auto-Parallel Technologies, Inc. & ChatGPU.ai
Creator of RPerl & CloudForFree & Perl Town Hall, Co-Creator of the Perl Community Roadmap.Scouter, Juggler, Mormon, Perl Monger, Serial Entrepreneur, Volunteer, Aspiring Astrophysicist, Community Organizer, Family Man.

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm PDT
Track 3
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